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Archives for June 2022

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John Week 9

John 5:18-29 Why do they want to kill him? Breaking the Sabbath A man made rule of no labor Claim of being the Son of God Claim of being equal to God So is Jesus the Son of God? What does it mean to be the Son of God? Identical to God but distinguished Loved by the Father Learns from the Father in a profound relationship. He is obedient to the Fath...

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John Week 8

John 4:46-5:17 Restate the passageWhat stood out to you?Notice any Echos?Who does this passage say Jesus is?What does this passage say about Jesus?What does this passage say about God?What does this passage say about the Holy Spirit? Have you noticed a pattern of what Jesus does when he meets people? He meets their needs Through Healing Through Feeding Through Forgiv...

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John Week 7

John 4:1-45 Restate the passageWhat stood out to you?Notice any Echos?Who does this passage say Jesus is?What does this passage say about Jesus?What does this passage say about God?What does this passage say about the Holy Spirit? Who are The Samaritans? Mixed race of half Jew and half Gentile During the Captivity of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, some Jews stayed b...

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