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John week 4

John 2:1-12
Restate the passage
What stood out to you?
Notice any Echos?
Who does this passage say Jesus is?
what does this passage say about Jesus?
what does this passage say about God?
what does this passage say about the Holy Spirit?


The Wedding at Cana

  • Jesus, his mother, and the disciples were at a wedding in Cana
  • they ran out of wine
  • to avoid embarrassment, Mary asked Jesus to take care of it. She trusted her son
  • Jesus took 6 Jars of water and turned them into wine
  • The Master of the Feast was impressed that they saved the good wine for last

Jesus' first miracle

  • Mary asked but doesn't force her son to do anything.
  • Jesus says his time has not come yet
  • Take Your Requests to Jesus but Humbly Accept His Answer

The servant are obedient to what Jesus needed for this to work

  • Cultivate a Humble and Obedient Heart
  • Water to wine
  • Jesus provided in abundance with 120-180 gallons of wine

not just ok wine but the best wine

  • The master proclaims it is the best wine he has ever had
  • an example of Jesus invitation to eat and drink of him
  • the fruit of his work is beyond compare
  • Jesus fulfilled the request in the right time and the right way
  • Remember that in God’s Hands, the Ordinary Becomes Extraordinary

Family Questions 

  • Has God ever has answered your prayers like you want it?
  • Has He ever exceed what you asked for?
  • Why does it matter that He answers in His own time and way?