
Grace Anglican’s Men’s Ministry helps men to

  • Grow in Christ by reading and feeding on God’s Word
  • Serve with Christ those in need in our community

(To learn more about how to Serve with Christ, click here)

Have a desire to Grow in Christ? Here’s what it takes:

First, you must be a man. Sorry, no gals, no boys allowed! Grace’s MBS is open to men only. Age doesn’t matter—young, middle-aged, or senior citizen! Size doesn’t matter—small, medium, or XXXL! Hair doesn’t matter—full head, receding hairline, or au natural! Everyone in the MBS gets a special MAN NAME—so sorry, no ladies, no jr.’s.

Second, you must be a hungry man! Grace’s MBS meets almost every Saturday morning to drink strong coffee, eat a man’s breakfast, enjoy male fellowship, tell tall tales, and chew on God’s Word.

Third, you must be willing and eager to help feed others who are hungry or need what Jesus’ disciples can do for them. Feeding on God’s Word produces servants who wash other’s feet—the “bowl” on the Bible in our logo! (See Serve with Christ)

Here’s what MBS offers you:

  • Fun! … that is always masculine in nature – no parlor games, no texting!
  • Food! … that is always manly in taste and portion – no kiwis, no yoghurt!
  • Fellowship! … that is always brotherly – we are all related!

Here’s what you get if you join:

  • Faith … that grows with time!
  • Character … that matures through head growth, heart growth, and spirit growth!
  • Relationships … that become permanent if you want them

Here’s how MBS does it:

  • Prayer … that is genuine, from the heart, said in trust and confidence
  • Bible Study … no videos – nothing but Bible: word by word, story by story, book by book
  • Jesus … always with us, just as he promised!
  • Holy Spirit … the real teacher in the room, working deep in us

The only thing missing from Grace Anglican’s MBS is YOU! So fix it, dude!

Two ways to be there:

  1. In Person – Saturday mornings at Grace: 7:30 for coffee, 8:00 to eat, 8:30 to study, 9:30 done!
  2. In cyberspace – Zoom gathering starts at 8:00 with manly banter, 8:30 study, 9:30 done!


Why we love Men's Bible Study...

"I really enjoy understanding the Bible at a deeper level, through learning how to interpret and apply what I'm reading. It help's me better understand what the Bible is telling me. Saturday morning with the guys is a highlight of my week. We share both a love of God's word but also life. We can support each other and pray for each other because we know what's happening in our lives." -M


"I can say the Rosary, I can recite a whole Mass in Latin by memory, I've served at Midnight Masses with Cardinals, but the teachings of the Bible have been few through my life. Pastor Bill Russell has been giving me all the Christian teachings that I've missed and needed, explanations of all the good and bad. Exceptional in-depth teachings!!

BTW, the breakfasts are really good too!"-B


"You can read a verse in the Bible and know what it says.  You study a verse in the Bible and you understand what it means.  That is the difference in a Bill Russell led Bible Study.  I have grown spiritually over the past two or three years in the Men's Bible Study and look forward to the weekly community of men's fellowship." -R


All MBS men receive a special MAN name, a weekly email reminder with a Zoom link, and an invitation to our private Facebook Group on Grace Anglican’s Facebook page.

Come see the world and those around you the way God sees them. He’s wanted to give you this since the beginning. So come and get it! NOW!

Contact Bill Russell at if you have any question or for the zoom link.