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John Week 21

John 11:1-44 The Story of Lazarus

Today we are going to do something different. Think of it as a refresher or instructive bible study. Sometimes we need this from time to time to help reorient ourselves. Lazarus, a very familiar story, is a great way to do that.

  1. Let's pray before starting
    1. Ask God for new eyes
    2. For him to speak through the word
  2. Let's read the passage by ourselves
  3. Let's read the passage again together but in chunks
  4. Observe
    1. What do you see?
    2. What is happening?
    3. Who is doing what?
    4. Where is God?
    5. Where is Jesus?
    6. Where is Holy Spirit?
    7. Anything stick out?
  5. Analyse
    1. What does all this mean?
    2. What are the questions that arise? What does the passage say about them
  6. Application
    1. What does it mean to me?
    2. How does this relate to me?
    3. What are the major themes?
    4. How can I apply this?

Family Questions

Do this process again for Luke 2:1-21.