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John Week 1

Who was John?
• Youngest Disciple
• before a fisherman in the boonies
• one of the Brothers of Thunder
• one of the inner 3
• only one of the 12 that had a natural death

Why did He write this Gospel?
• To prove who Jesus is


Now Read John 1:1-18

Restate the passage
What stood out to you?
Notice any Echos?
Who does this passage say Jesus is?
What does this passage say about Jesus?
What does this passage say about God?
What does this passage say about the Holy Spirit?


Starts with an echo of creation
• God speaks(the word) breathe into life (Holy Spirit)
• all things were made through Him

In Him was Light and Life
• light illuminates the darkness in our hearts
• we find the darkness comforting but Jesus came to destroy that
• he is the bringer of life to bring us away from death
• A spiritual rebirth
• he was to be in the world but set apart

Good news of our inheritance
• those who receive him became the children of God
• rescuing us from darkness into light and life
• Giving hope in the resurrection that we would be made new and death is defeated
• we gain an inheritance to dwell with the father

Family Questions

  1. Who does this passage say Jesus is?
  2. Why is it important that we know who Jesus is?
  3. In the passage what gives you hope?