
Our Purpose

Martha’s Ministry serves our community of faith offering hope to one another in times of need, in a spirit of hospitality and loving care. We do this by preparing and delivering meals to those in our faith community who have such a need; for example, following surgery or the birth of a child, or during a time of illness or loss. By using our time and talent in this way, we share in the joys and struggles of everyday life with our fellow believers.

At the Last Supper, Jesus himself, provided the example of “hospitality as service.”  When you offer your service through Martha’s Ministry, you are responding to Christ’s loving example.


As a member of Martha’s Ministry, you may elect to participate in any or all of the following:
  • Provide supplies to the ministry team;
  • Prepare fresh or provide frozen meal(s);
  • Assist in the delivery of the meals to those in need

Meals typically consist of salad, entrée, bread, and dessert; additionally, tea may also be included.

Our Goals

  • View your ministry as an act of prayer, sharing hospitality and loving care as a witness of the living Christ.
  • Seek to see the face of Christ in the faces of whom you serve.
  • Share the love of Christ with each and every person with whom you come into contact.
  • Make all in need feel loved and cared for as an integral part of our community.
  • Spread the work load so as not to burden any one person, but rather share as brothers and sisters in Christ to meet the needs of our community.

For questions or more information contact Sandy Tomme sdtomme@gmail.com