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John Week 7

John 4:1-45

Restate the passage
What stood out to you?
Notice any Echos?
Who does this passage say Jesus is?
What does this passage say about Jesus?
What does this passage say about God?
What does this passage say about the Holy Spirit?

Who are The Samaritans?
• Mixed race of half Jew and half Gentile
• During the Captivity of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, some Jews stayed behind and Inter married with their Assryian captors
• They had their own version of essentially Judaism
• They had no dealing with any Jew, and vice versa
• There was a hatred between them
Women at the well
• A Samaritan
• A woman
• She had a reputation for sexual immorality
• Radically different from Nicodemus

Meeting at Jacob Well
• Jacob Well was very significant (sat there for over 2000 years)
• Jesus came to get a drink at his ancestors well at noon (hottest part of the day)
• Jesus ask for the Samaritan women to draw water for her.

What is "Living Water"?
• V13-14 this water would sustain
• Water that is alive
• Water that is dynamic, energetic, and powerful
• This water would fulfill those seeking peace, relief from guilt, and emptiness of their soul. Not unlike the woman he is ministering to
• Of course this is a metaphor for the Spiritual life Jesus and The Spirit will bring
• Thirst will be satisfied,meaning our longing to know God will be satisfied.
New way of worship
• Worship not bound by a certain place, we would become the temples of the Lord
• Temples are made for worship
• V23-24 Worship comes from the depths of our soul and heart
• Luke 1:46b-47 True worship from Mary

Family Questions
1. What is living water? (Besides Jesus Water)
2. What does it mean to magnify the Lord? How can you this week?
3. How can you rejoice in the Lord? How can Joy in the Lord help you to get through this week?