We have two options for women's bible study at Grace.

  • Tuesday Evening's on Zoom:  This study is led by Karen Henson. Come, join them on Zoom from 7:00PM to 8:30 PM. They start with a time of fellow sharing what's going on in life and sharing prayer needs. Afterwards they move into a time of study on a book of the bible. They are currently off for the summer but will return September 10. Contact Karen at Karen@graceanglicankaty.com to be on the email list.
  • Thursday Mornings at Grace: This study is led by Rita Lanhan. Come, join them on Thursday mornings in the living room at the church. They meet from 10:00am to 11:30am. Our gathering begins with fellowship and Morning Prayer (booklets provided), followed by a group study of God’s Word. Bring your study Bible, bring your heart for God and His Word, and let’s dive in together. Questions? Contact Rita Lanham at rita@graceanglicankaty.com. Childcare is available upon request.