October 6, 2024

Joseph Saves his Family

Preacher: Bob Henson Series: The Greatest Story Ever Told

No one in Egypt could interpret Pharaoh’s bad dreams, no one except for Joseph. Joseph explained that there would be seven years of abundance, followed by seven years of famine. He also recommended that Egypt store food in the first seven years so there would be enough food for the famine years. Pharaoh loved the interpretation and the recommendation and he put Joseph in charge of it all. Suddenly, in a moment, Joseph became the second most powerful man in the world. But what would happen when his brothers came seeking food? What would Joseph do the people who sold him into slavery? Much to his surprise, Joseph reconciled with is brothers and that pave the way for his whole family to move to Egypt where they prospered for generations. It was all part of God’s plan for Joseph and part of God’s promise to Abraham, Joseph’s great grandfather. But “There arose a new king over Egypt, who did not know Joseph.” (Exodus 1:8) What happens next in The Greatest Story Ever Told?