September 3, 2023

Jesus by the Sea Part 7

Preacher: Bob Henson Series: Jesus by the Sea

Jesus did most of his ministry in the towns, villages and hillsides surrounding the Sea of Galilee. But one of his most spectacular moments occurred on the Sea of Galilee. Jesus stilled a raging storm that threatened the lives of his disciples. He could do that because The sea is his for he made it… (Psalm 95:5). Simply stated, the maker of creation owns the creation and has power over the creation. That means he can and will bring good out of the chaos of our lives (Romans 8:28). It is a powerful God we serve.

From our side, this event reminds us that if we want to walk on water (like Peter did), we have to get out of the boat. There are many amazing things that are missed because we are afraid to move out of our comfort zones. If we are brave enough, we will experience God in new ways. Learn more in this week’s sermon.

other sermons in this series