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Journey to Bethlehem Day 2

Monday, December 2 Isaiah 2:4-5

4 He shall judge between the nations,
and shall decide disputes for many peoples;
and they shall beat their swords into plowshares,
and their spears into pruning hooks;
nation shall not lift up sword against nation,
neither shall they learn war anymore.
5 O house of Jacob,
come, let us walk
in the light of the Lord.

How would you like to receive this gift for Christmas: PERFECT justice? Yes, perfect justice, absolutely perfect justice! With this gift all wrongs will be made right, all injuries cured, all debts paid in full and with interest—all issues will be resolved to everyone’s satisfaction both finally and forever! Everything will be made right!
And because this justice is absolutely perfect, it will be honored even by the guilty! That is to say, no one will desire to dispute ANY judgement handed down! These judgements will be so perfect they will satisfy all injured and silence all injurious. There will be no grounds for dissent; ALL will be made right and kept that way forevermore.
Further, no human being who has ever existed will be excluded—no one! This is a PERFECT justice for all time, one that convicts, instructs, enlightens, and remedies ALL. It will be overwhelmingly fair and rendered so, without exception. No one will cry “no fair!” or “I appeal!” for such objections will have no legitimacy and be evident to ALL.
We are talking about PERFECT justice: for you, for me, forever. It will destroy ALL human enmity.
Finally, what if this gift comes whether asked for or not?
Well, it is coming, it is coming in the Christmas that ends all time as we have known it. You will experience it, I will experience it, everyone who has ever been will experience it, and everyone who will ever be will experience it.

Lord Jesus, make us ever mindful of the Christmas to come, the Christmas that establishes forever your Lordship over ALL, regardless of desire. Help us lead lives that honor and please you. May we hear you say “Well done, good and faithful servant” on that day that ends all days. Amen.