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Holy Week @ Grace

Palm-Sunday- Easter-in-katy-texas-holy-week-church-in-katy-texas-easter-service

Palm Sunday

March 24 @ 10:30AM

“Hosannah!  Hosannah in the Highest!”  These were the cries of the jubilant multitude who welcomed Jesus as he descended the Mount of Olives.  Waving palm fronds and throwing their cloaks before Jesus’s donkey, people assumed they were greeting the long-awaited king of Israel.  Events that week would demonstrate that Jesus is far more than anyone expected.  Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. 

Join us on Palm Sunday as we liturgically re-enact that historic event.  Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!!

Maundy-Thursday- Easter-in-katy-texas-holy-week-church-in-katy-texas-easter-service

Maundy Thursday

March 28 @ 7:00 PM

Spiritual darkness was about to settle over God’s creation.  Soon, the son of God would be betrayed, beaten, abandoned and crucified. With time running short, Jesus met with his apostles one last time.  It was the most urgent, dramatic meeting any of them would ever experience. What would Jesus say?

Join us on Maundy Thursday, March 28 at 7:00 PM to discover what it was like in the Upper Room that night.


Lenten Prayer Stations

March 29

Throughout the gospels we read that Jesus was constantly taking a break and going away to pray. Prior to his crucifixion, Jesus did just that. He took Peter, James and John to a private place. He instructed them to stay at a distance and to watch with him. After a time, Jesus returned and found them all asleep. "Could you not watch with me one hour?" (~Matthew 26:40)

You are invited to engage with Jesus in prayer for one hour during our Lenten Prayer Day on Good Friday, March 29. Watch this video to learn more. The sign up for the Lenten Prayer Day will be in the foyer at church or you can email prayer@graceanglicankaty.com. Families/couples may choose to sign up together; please indicate the number of people who will be praying together in your time slot. Please register by Palm Sunday, to help us in the preparation of materials. Thank you for your faithful commitment.

For more information, contact Rita Lanham at RitaJLanham@gmail.com or prayer@graceanglicankaty.com.


Good Friday

March 29 @ 7:00 PM

Can the son of God die?  It is the greatest mystery of all time.  But the answer is yes.  The most profound evil in history was inflicted on Jesus.  He was betrayed, beaten, abandoned and crucified.  His lifeless body was laid in a cold, dark tomb.  The son of God was dead.

How can this be?  Why did this happen?  How can something so evil be called Good Friday?

Join us at the cross on Friday, March 29 at 7:00PM.  Be prepared to be awestruck.

There will be a program for children five years through fifth grade. Childcare for children under five will be provided.


Easter Sunday

March 31 @ 10:30AM

It was nearly dawn. The tomb where the lifeless body of Jesus had been placed was empty. The grave cloths were neatly folded.  There was no corpse. But there was an angel who asked, "Why do you seek the living among the dead?"  No one expected it.  At first, no one believed it.  Yet it was true. That great enemy death had been conquered.  Jesus was alive!!

Join us Easter morning, March 31 at 10:30AM to celebrate this magnificent event.   There will be a special program for children five years through fifth grade Childcare for children under five will be provided.

The Lord is Risen! The Lord is Risen, indeed!