Adult Forum: Colossians
Every Sunday
9:15am – 10:15am
Coordinator: Bill Russell

Grace Anglican’s Spring Adult Forum takes up last Fall’s learnings to examine St. Paul’s letter to the Colossians, believers who had sought the things of the world more than the things of our eternal Jesus.
Today the things of the world are more seductive and strengthen with each iPhone release. Yet the dilemma remains: worldly things now or heavenly things forever?
Here’s some good news: God made us to withstand the world’s assault, and St. Paul’s letter to the Colossians spells out how. Thinking of giving up social media for Lent this year? Join us as early as 9:15 on Sundays beginning January 12 for coffee, treats, and fellowship. Our discussion begins at 9:30 and finishes by 10:15.
There really is a better way to live.