Thursday Morning Women's Bible Study
Every Thursday
10:00am – 11:30am
Coordinator: Rita Lanham

We study God’s Word in humility, attentive to the Holy Spirit; asking Him to illuminate it for us, to unlock something in us, to show us His beauty and His majesty. We study His Word to be comforted and, even, discomforted. We study to be changed, knowing it is God who works the change in us – through practice, discipline, play, pain, and in community with people in whom Christ dwells. We study His Word to know His love and to abide in Him.
Come, join us on Thursday mornings in the living room at the church. We meet from 10:00am to 11:30am. Our gathering begins with fellowship and Morning Prayer (booklets provided), followed by a group study of God’s Word. Bring your study Bible, bring your heart for God and His Word, and let’s dive in together.
We are currently studying 1 Peter: Peter, a disciple of Jesus, a hot-headed man always in motion, wrote letters to the early churches that have been called affectionate, loving, lowly, and humble. Come, join us as we read and study 1 Peter, a letter that encourages us that though life may be hard, God is always good. Questions? Contact Rita Lanham at Childcare is available upon request.
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105